ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 3, 2017

How Foreign Entity Could Set-up Representative Office in Vietnam?

A foreign business entity or a foreign trader is allowed to establish Representative Office in Vietnam according to the Commercial Law No 36/2005 and Decree No. 72/2006/NĐ-CP dated July 25th, 2006 detailing the commercial law regarding Vietnam-based representative offices and branches of foreign traders.
Representative office of a foreign business entity in Vietnam (referred as “Representative Office”) means a subsidiary unit of the foreign business entity, established in accordance with the law of Vietnam in order to survey markets and to undertake a number of commercial enhancement activities permitted by the law of Vietnam.  Representative Office will need to apply and obtain the establishment license; and have a seal bearing the name of the representative office.
Setting up a Representative Office is less complicated from setting up a company in Vietnam.  The Vietnam Department of Trade will be approving the establishment of Representative Office in Vietnam while Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment will be the State agency that coordinate the setting up a company in Vietnam.  The time duration to establish a Representative Office is shorter than to establish a company.  There are fewer conditions to meet than conditions in setting up a company in Vietnam.  The main difference between a Representative Office and a company in Vietnam is that the Representative Office could not directly conduct profit making activities.
Rights of the Representative Office:
  • To operate strictly in accordance with the purposes, scope and duration stated in the license for establishment of such representative office;
  • To rent offices and to lease or purchase the equipment and facilities necessary for the operation of the Representative Office;
  • To recruit Vietnamese and foreign employees to work for the Representative Office in accordance with the law of Vietnam;
  • To open accounts in foreign currency and in Vietnamese Dong sourced from foreign currency at banks which are licensed to operate in Vietnam, and to use such accounts solely for the operation of the Representative Office.
Obligation of the Representative Office:
  • Not to directly conduct profit making activities in Vietnam;
  • Not to enter into commercial contracts of the foreign business entity or to amend or supplement such contracts already signed except where the head of the Representative Office has a valid power of attorney from the foreign business entity;
  • To pay taxes, fees and charges and to discharge other financial obligations in accordance with the law of Vietnam;
  • To report on the operation of the Representative Office in accordance with the law of Vietnam
A foreign company which has effectiveness business activities will be allowed to open the Representative Office in Vietnam if this company has real demand to open the market in Vietnam and meet conditions as below:
  • Being a business entity or trader recognized by the law of the country or the territory (hereinafter referred to collectively as the country) where it has been lawfully established or made its business registration;
  • Having been operating for at least one year after its lawful establishment or business registration in its country.
The issuing period will be within 20 working-days after the date of submitting the full valid documents as requested.
ANT Lawyers has law offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, and Da Nang City.  For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call +84 8 3520 2779.  To learn more about us, visit

Source: ANTLawyers

Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 3, 2017

How To Protect Trademark in Vietnam?

Trademark protection in Vietnam is initially obtained through trademark registration.
Trademark opposition could be filed to prevent a pending application for a mark from being granted application.  Litigation is the final measure to handle dispute during trademark protection in Vietnam.
Trademark is a sign that help distinguish the goods or services of one enterprise from those of others. Together with industrial design and patent, trademark of goods and services plays an extremely important role for the growth of the enterprise. Trademark establishes a link between enterprise and customer.  A strong trademark will attract customers to use goods or services. When trademark is popular and economic benefits achieved through sale of goods or provision of services coupled with trademark is large, the violation of trademark is inevitable.
The annual reports of the Vietnam National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) prove that trademark violation in Vietnam is the most popular, among other industrial property rights.  According to the preliminary annual report in 2011, and 2012, there has been more than 1,000 cases of trademark violations each year.  Report of 2013 shows more than 2,000 trademark infringements were handled with the total fines of trademark violators of around USD 1 million.  Having said that, it is important for trademark owner to register trademarks in Vietnam for better protection.  This is also suggested for even well-known trademarks.
For registration, trademark owner has two options: either directly register trademark in Vietnam by filling an application for registration with the Vietnam NOIP, or seek the protection in Vietnam through Madrid’s system.  For the first option, the trademark owner needs to prepare, file for registration, and pay fee as the requirement of Vietnam Intellectual Property law.  In case trademark needs to be protected in a number of nations, including Vietnam, trademark owner may register trademark through Madrid’s system.
Where the violation of trademark occurs, trademark owner needs to judge the level of infringement, level of damage to choose suitable resolutions.  Initially, the trademark owner may protect by requiring to the trademark violator to terminate the infringing acts, apologize, and rectify. In case of being damaged, trademark owners have rights to claim compensation.  If failing to reach result, trademark owner may use settlement mechanism through negotiation or mediation or could request the competent state agencies to handle acts of infringement through i.e. filling a denunciation application and submitting to the Vietnam NOIP.  Litigation might be required to handle acts of infringement.  Generally, the proceeding of civil litigation is more complex than the arbitration proceeding. In cases the trademark owner needs a decision from court in order to end trademark infringement, civil litigation is top priority. In the remaining cases, arbitration is a better choice with advantages of cheaper cost, shorter settling time, and more flexible.

Source: ANTLawyers

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 3, 2017

Marriage Involving Foreign Elements in Vietnam

Cross culture marriage in Vietnam is getting more popular due to the further integration of Vietnam into world’s economy and people relocation for better living.
It is understandable that a foreigner who works and lives in Vietnam wishing to register marriage with a Vietnamese or even another foreigner under Vietnam laws.
However, it is challenging for foreigners to be aware of the legal provisions governing the issue of marriage involving foreign elements in Vietnam. The parties involved in the marriage should to go through not so simple administrative procedures, because of the complexity of managing and protecting the legitimate rights of not only Vietnamese citizens, but also foreigners, to be governed under the Law on Civil Status.  It is not unfamiliar when husband and wife agree to sign prenuptial agreement, agreements on personal assets and properties, and agreements to separate assets and properties during the marriage time.
Procedures for Registration of Marriage in Vietnam
According to the current law provisions, the competence to register marriage between a Vietnamese citizen and a foreigner belong to the District People’s Committee where the Vietnamese citizen is residing. In addition to papers relating to declarations and documents that must be prepared, in order to marry a Vietnamese citizen, a foreigner have to submit papers proving their marital status issued by a competent authority of the country which he/she is a citizen. The certificate issued no more than six months, up to the time of application, confirming the current no spouse. In case, foreign law does not provide for the granting of papers certifying the marital status, the papers shall be replaced by the foreign competent bodies certifying that such persons meet all the marriage conditions under the laws of that country. Documents, papers issued by the competent authority of the foreign country must be notarized, legalized and authenticated.
After submitting complete, and valid dossiers and paying the necessary fees, if the marriage conditions are fully met, the chairperson of the District People’s Committee will approve the application. Upon marriage registration, both husband and wife must be present at the head office of the People’s Committee, and both will sign in the marriage certificate.
Foreigner’s Challenges?
To register marriage involving foreign in Vietnam, foreigners must have a marital status documents issued by a foreign competent authority where he/she is a citizen. Depending on the country, the paper proving citizen’s marital status issued to citizens when they apply for marriage registration is different. Most of the difficulties the foreigners encountered are the application for the issuance of papers abroad and at the same time they must carry out administrative procedures for the legalization of that document at the competent authority in Vietnam. Thus, the time required to prepare necessary documents and documents is generally long with strict administrative procedures.
In fact, marriages involving foreign couples encounter procedural difficulties and take a considerable amount time for preparation.
ANT Lawyers have experience in civil and family matters to advice clients whom are interested for such legal service in Vietnam.   We assist our clients in the process of reviewing agreements, procedures and concerned matters in civil and family.

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 3, 2017

Anti – Dumping Tariff May Officially be Imposed on Galvanized Steel

The result of anti – dumping investigation into galvanized steel originating from China, Korea imported into Vietnam was issued on Mar 6th, 2017 after one year of investigation.
Ministry of Industry and Trade has informed about the final finding of anti-dumping investigation into Galvanized Steel exported to Vietnam from China, and Korea.
Accordingly, on March 3rd, 2017, Vietnam Competition Authority (VCA) finished investigation process of the case and sent the final determination daft to concerned parties.
Based on the conclusion, Ministry of Industry and Trade shall decide whether or not to apply trade remedy measures galvanized steel.
On March 3rd, 2016, Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 818/QĐ-BCT on investigation of anti-dumping case against galvanized steel products originating from People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong) and South Korea imported into Vietnam.
The investigation duration is one month. During the investigation process, on Sep 1st, 2016, Ministry of Industry and Trade imposed temporary anti – dumping tariff on Galvanized Steel imported into Vietnam
Accordingly, the temporary anti-dumping tax rates on galvanized steel originating from China (includes Hong Kong) and Korea is between 4.02-38.34%
Many businesses were imposed at high tax imposed the temporarily for anti-dumping upto 38,34%.
If the temporary anti-dumping tariff is continued to be imposed, many Vietnam steel corporations will benefit.  In the meantime, the foreign steel exporter whom export to Vietnam considers decision of imposing high anti-dumping rates are unfair due to the way VCA utilized to calculate the dumping margin.
The  anti-dumping laws in Vietnam will continue be adjusted as Vietnam further integrate into the global business.  The changes of laws will be monitored by ANT Lawyers international trade practice  in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City to provide clients with updates.
ANT Lawyers has law offices in HanoiHo Chi Minh, and Da Nang City.  For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call +84 8 3520 2779.  To learn more about us, visit


Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 3, 2017

Intellectual Property and Trademark Registration

Trademark is a sign for consumers to identify the goods or services of each company from those of others.
In Vietnam, many businesses today have not paid sufficient attention to trademark protection.  Only when their trademarks would be infringed by other companies or competitors, they really concern to protect their trademarks and business through trademark registration, trademark opposition or take further actions.  Such situation will negatively impact the business financially.

Register trademark in Vietnam

Trademark rights will be protected within the national territory, therefore when a trademark has been registered in Vietnam, it will be protected in Vietnam.  If one company wishes their trademarks to be protected in other countries, it could:
  • Directly register in each country or
  • Register via the Madrid International registration by filing a single application which indicates the registrations at respective countries.
If registered under the Madrid International, firstly, trademarks must have been submitted trademark applications or have registered in Vietnam, depending on whether the country for protection is under the Madrid Protocol or the Madrid Agreement.
Law on Intellectual Property and its related documents could also be referred to for further information.
ANT Lawyers’ services in the field of trademark registration advice covers:
• Look-up, assess and consult possibilities to register trademark in Vietnam and abroad;
• Represent clients in applying for certificates of trademark registration, record modification, extend degree of trademark protection in Vietnam and abroad;
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the certificate of trademark registration and the possibility of trademark rights violation;
• Implement of the protected trademark rights: investigate, monitor, negotiate, seek arbitration or initiate a lawsuit or request other competent agencies for handling of infringement in Vietnam and abroad;
• Negotiate, draft, evaluate and register the of changing trademark ownership in Vietnam and abroad;
•  Advise on building strategies, brand development;
ANT Lawyers has law offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, and Da Nang City.  For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call +84 8 3520 2779.  To learn more about us, visit

Construction Operation License Instead of Contractor’s Permits for Foreign Contractor in Vietnam

The foreign contractors are only permitted to carry out construction activities in Vietnam so long as being granted construction operation license by Ministry of Construction as per the Construction Law.
EPC Contractors have increasingly been interested to learn the requirements of licenses and permits to operate in Vietnam. It is advised that the construction law firm in Vietnam with lawyers specializing in construction area to assist the foreign contractors to understand the legal frameworks, and requirements of foreign contractors before and after taking on construction projects in Vietnam after bidding result.
The regulations and procedures are promulgated in Decree No. 59/2015/NĐ-CP on management of construction investment projects and Circular No.14/2016/TT-BXD guiding on licensing construction activities and management of foreign construction contractors in Vietnam.
Investment in construction activities has been growingly rapidly. In order to meet the tender conditions and take part in construction activities in Vietnam, foreign contractors shall follow the regulations in Vietnam and obtain proper license during the preparation and the execution of the construction of the project.
Prior to construction operation license, foreign constructors have experienced another form of permit named contractor’s permits for foreign contractors in Vietnam. These are two concepts however the process of registration and document requirements are not so different.
There has been an effort to harmonize and reduce differences and conflicts arisen in many fields of laws regulating the mentioned subject and the new provisions of the Law on Bidding, Construction Law and the Investment Law to be issued in 2014 which establish a stable legal framework for the implementation of foreign contractor’s bidding and construction activities in Vietnam.  This changes does not differentiate which position the foreign contractors are appointed from the lead contractor, the main contractor, contractor to subcontractor consortium. Unlike domestic contractors, foreign contractors must be granted construction operation license for each awarded contract.  The amendment from the contractor’s permits for foreign contractor contribute to the unity of the same concept in different legal instruments regulating the license procedure of foreign contractors operating within the territory of Vietnam, and limit the unnecessary overlaps, difficulties to law interpretation and application of legal entities.
We shouldn’t forget to mention that the amendment of the foreign contractor’s construction operation license is to increase the relevance between the name and nature of the licensed activities of foreign contractors in construction operation. One of the initial conditions to a foreign contractor to be licensed is when the contractor has won a bid or been selected to be sub-contractor of an investment project. Therefore, the terms construction operation license shall demonstrate the role of the contractor in the construction projects they have been participated in.
The new construction operation license for foreign contractor is expected to be easier to relate to when foreign contractor take part in construction project in Vietnam.  This would attract more foreign contractors to undertake construction projects in Vietnam to bring in the technology equipment, as well as the management skills to Vietnam.
ANT Lawyers has law offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, and Da Nang City.  For advice or service request, please contact us via email,
or call +84 8 3520 2779.  
To learn
more about us, visit

Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 3, 2017

What Lawyers Should Not Promise in Vietnam?

Lawyers in Vietnam have to follow the law in order to provide good legal services to clients.
In Vietnam, the law has continuously played an important role in the life and contribute to protect and maintain the stability and development of society. In the trend of integration of the world economy, the role of the law has once again been confirmed with a new level in order to contribute to promoting the integration of Vietnam into world economy and opens a new opportunity for those who are practicing law in general and lawyers in particular in Vietnam.
In general, lawyer profession in Vietnam has been a noble profession for the purpose of contributing to the protection of justice, while contributing to the socio-economic development. In reflection, lawyers themselves take professionalism as the basic foundation of the profession, and should always have the responsibility to self-improve skills and widen knowledge in various areas to meet the growing demands as Vietnam develops i.e. corporate, commercialinvestmentconstructionlabourdispute resolutiondebt recovery…etc.
Sometimes, when providing legal services to clients in handling disputes claim against damages for breach of contractual obligations, or obtaining licenses in setting up companywork permitstemporary residence cards, the customer has requested a lawyer to promise and guarantee the results of the works.

The lawyer, whom represents the client to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the client, has to follow the law, and the ethics. Responding to the request of the client to promise and guarantee the result, the lawyer shall refuse because the outcome of such will depend on the facts and legal grounds of the matters.
The lawyer shall collect comprehensive information from the client then analyze possibilities of outcome. Lawyers should not promise the results or the percentage of success which could potentially lead to the wrong decision made by the client. If the results are not as customer’s expectation, it will be a great loss to the prestige, and the image of lawyers. A good lawyer will have the skills to analyze problems, look at the details, and propose solutions but cannot guarantee the outcome of a case. Each case is different and there are too many unknown factors, and the unanswered questions.
In a litigation case, the lawyers will tell the customers what they are facing, what the lawyers could do, the best situation and what is worst. Good lawyers will know how to analyze and clarify the issue. Both the client and the lawyer should have a positive attitude to solve the problems in regard to the disputing matters.
The only thing ANT Lawyers could promise in any case is that we will follow the laws of Vietnam.


Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 3, 2017

How to Establish a Company in Vietnam

Foreign investors may invest in the form of 100% capital to establish a limited liability company, joint stock company, partnership company or other forms in investment in Vietnam.
Foreign investors that invest in Vietnam for the first time must have investment projects and fill in investment registration or examination procedures at state agencies in charge of investment in order to be granted investment registration certificates. Investment certificates shall concurrently be business registration certificates.  Company with 100% foreign capital has founded and operated from the date of issuance of the investment certificate.
A project dossier for establishing a company in Vietnam shall comprise:
  • Registration/Request for issuance of Investment Certificate;
  • A report on financial capability of the investor;
  • Draft of the company’s charter;
  • List of members of company;
  • Copy of the people’s identity card, passport or other lawful personal certification, for individual members;
  • Copy of the establishment decision, business registration certificate or other equivalent document, for member organizations;
  • Copies of the authorization document, the people’s identity card, passport or other lawful personal certification, for authorized representatives.
  • Copies of the business registration certificates of the foreign member organizations must be authenticated within three months before the date of submission of the business registration dossier by agencies where such organizations are registered;
  • Written authorization of the investor in case investor is organization and valid copy of the lawful personal certification of the authorized representative. Documents in foreign languages must be translated into Vietnamese, notarized and legalized;
  • The joint-venture contract or Business Cooperation Contract (BCC);
  • Other documents required by Vietnam law.
The establishment of a company in Vietnam would take from 30 days.  The extra time might be needed in case the investment area is conditional or the State government needs to examine the investment project.  Minimum capital, special licenses or other conditions might be required in certain investment projects.
The  law  on  investment constantly changes which ANT Lawyers will monitor and provide relevant update.

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 3, 2017

Vietnam Restructures Electricity Sector with Vision into 2025

Vietnam has been increasingly needing energy for industry development and consumption and therefore investment in building plants are encouraged by governments in all forms, especially with sources from Public Private Partnership.

The nuclear energy has not been approved by Vietnam National Assembly in 2016.  Vietnam has now more depending on up-coming thermal coal power plant construction projects when the sustainable energy projects i.e. wind, solar are slowly initiated.

For most of the significant projects, the developers requires the foreign EPC contractors to provide equipment, engineering and constructions whom requires construction licenses to operation in Vietnam.  They also keep an eye on on the changes in the law in electricity and Vietnam development of energy sector to follow opportunities.

With aim to grow the energy sector to meeting growing demands and publicly announce the plan to the interested parties, Vietnam government has now restructuring the power sector aiming to achieve the conversion of the power sector under the market mechanism in order to enhance business efficiency, enhance the publicity, transparency, equal competition in terms of international integration, ensuring the development of sustainable electricity systems, market development-oriented retail electricity in Vietnam according to the market mechanisms under the regulation of Government.
Restructure Electricity Sector 2016 – 2020
The period from 2016 to 2018
Privatize the power generation corporation of Vietnam electricity Group (EVN), Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PVN), Vietnam national coal – mineral industries holding corporation limited (Vinacomin). Vietnam Power Generation Corporation to be remained in the groups managed by EVN and the group hold at least 51% of the shares.
To encourage the plant using the renewable energy to engage in the wholesale electricity market.
Orienting the National Load Dispatch Center to become one member limited liability company with independent profit and loss center to manage the system, the electricity market and metering activities.
The period from 2019 to 2020
Reduce the State capital in the power generation corporation, separate the Vietnam Power Generation Corporation from Vietnam Electricity Group, and guarantee the State capital ratio in the power generation companies.
Allow the BOT power plant, the large power plant having important meaning to involve in the wholesale electricity market. Ensure a fair, equality environment for investors.
Separate the cost of distribution and retailing of electricity to operate the retail electricity market.
Before the competitive wholesale electricity market officially implemented, complete the conversion of the National Load Dispatch Center into one member limited liability company.
Restructure Electricity Sector 2021 – 2025
Creating an environment for fair competition in the electricity retailing, separate the cost of distribution and retailing.
Privatize the power generation corporation, and retail activity ensuring the state’s capital ratio but not to private each company, or distribution activity.
Ensure the independence of the legal status, personnel, financial and interests between the power seller, and power buyer.
The Expected Changes of the Law on Electricity
The competent authority will revise the Vietnam Electricity Law and the related legal documents to propose the necessary amendments, to fit with the open market direction for the electricity industry in Vietnam, in order to avoid the legal entanglements for domestic as well as foreign investors.
Allows the plant using the renewable energy to have a options for preferential price mechanism or engage in the competitive wholesale electricity market.
Provide guidance on the cost separation on distribution and retailing of electricity, renew the mechanism of the retail price of electricity suitable for the market mechanisms under the state’s management.
Build a road map to transform the national load dispatch center to become one member limited liability company to complete the tasks independently and take responsibility.
The  laws on  electricity will be changed to attract investment of the private sector, boosting the industrial development of the country, which is always hunger for power to develop.  The changes of laws will be monitored by ANT Lawyers Energy and Project Department  in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City to provide clients with updates.

ANT Lawyers has law offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, and Da Nang City.  For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call +84 8 3520 2779.  To learn more about us, visit

How to Transfer Investment Capital into Bank Account Vietnam?

Foreign investors must transfer money in and out through the Direct Investment Capital Account (DICA) for investment capital contribution.
FDI enterprises, foreign investors participating in business cooperation contracts, foreign investors implementing investment activities in Vietnam in the direct foreign investment forms in accordance with current provisions of law on investment should comply with the provisions of the investment law when making investment and transfer the capital into Vietnam implementing FDI activities in Vietnam, through setting up company.
The capital contribution in cash of foreign investors and Vietnamese partners in FDI enterprises must be made through transferring to the DICA, either in foreign currencies or Vietnam dong, which are opened by FDI enterprises and foreign investors participating in a business cooperation contract at an authorized credit institution in order to perform the relevant transaction to the FDI activities in Vietnam.  From DICA account, the investor could then transfer into transaction bank accounts opened in a commercial banks in Vietnam.
The transfer of investment capital before being granted investment certificate into Vietnam and the transfer of capital abroad in case of not being granted investment certificate of foreign investors shall be complying with the provisions of the relevant regulations.
After being granted the investment certificate, the accounting of pre-establishment costs of FDI enterprises into equity or foreign loans is made on the basis of agreement between the involving parties, ensured to comply with current provisions of Vietnamese law and regulations on accounting, borrowing, repayment of foreign debts of enterprises and other relevant provisions of Vietnamese law and regulations. In case the foreign investors do not use all the investment capital transferred into Vietnam to satisfy the legal costs for the preparatory phase of investment, foreign investors can buy foreign currency and transfer the remaining investment capital abroad in foreign currency on the basis of the issuing records and documents evidencing investment capital transferred into Vietnam and the expenses incurred for investment projects in Vietnam.
In case foreign investors had moved investment capital into Vietnam to satisfy the legal costs for the preparatory phase of investment in Vietnam but were not granted the investment certificate by Vietnamese competent agencies, foreign investors are allowed to transfer the investment capital transferred abroad after deducting the expenses incurred in relation to the preparation of direct investment projects in Vietnam. The investment capital transferred abroad by foreign investors shall not exceed the maximum investment capital transferred into Vietnam and the amount of interest of non-term loans incurred (if any). Foreign investors are allowed to buy foreign currency and transfer abroad the investment capital transferred into Vietnam in accordance with valid documents proving the amount of investment capital transfer red into Vietnam and legitimate expenses incurred in relation to the preparation of investment projects in Vietnam.
Along with that, foreign investors are allowed to transfer abroad the charter capital, direct investment capital upon termination of operations (due to ending, the liquidation or the dissolution of the enterprise before maturity), interest and foreign loans, profits and other lawful income relating to operations of FDI activities in Vietnam through the DICA. In case FDI enterprises and foreign investors participating in business cooperation contracts have to close the DICA due to ending, liquidation, dissolution which lead to the termination of FDI activities in Vietnam or conduct investment capital transfer resulting in alteration of the initial legal person of FDI enterprises, foreign investors are allowed to use their DICA, either in foreign currency or in Vietnam dong, opened at authorized credit institutions in order to transfer direct investment capital and legitimate income abroad legally.
Moreover, FDI enterprises and foreign investors can use legitimate income sources in Vietnam dong or foreign currency gained from operations of FDI activities in Vietnam to perform re-investment activities in Vietnam. Simultaneously, they also have the right to use such income sources to purchase foreign currency at an authorized credit institution and transfer abroad within 30 days since the date of buying foreign currency.
The credit institutions have the right to require FDI enterprises and foreign investors to provide legal records and proofs relating to the FDI activities in Vietnam. They are also responsible for regulating, inspecting and storing the documents appropriate with the revenue and expenditure transactions of the DICA of foreign investors to ensure the revenue and expenditure transactions are made complying with the stipulations of this Circular and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Vietnamese law and regulations; and selling foreign currency to foreign investors to transfer abroad on the basis of foreign currency balances of credit institutions.
The  laws on  investment in Vietnam will continue be adjusted to encourage investment into various sectors of the economy.  The changes of laws will be monitored by ANT Lawyers Foreign Investment Practice  in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City to provide clients with updates.