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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 11, 2020

How Foreign Investors Could Handle Intellectual Property Dispute in Vietnam?

Foreign investor could handle intellectual property disputes in Vietnam through negotiation and mediation, arbitration or litigation depending on various factors.

Intellectual property rights is the rights of organizations, individuals to the intellectual property, including copyrights and related rights, industrial property rights, including trademark, patent, and industrial design and rights to the plant varieties. Under Vietnam intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive right to the intangible assets. Intellectual property infringement occurs whenever the rights of any type of intellectual property are violated. The intellectual property disputes arise directly from all types of intellectual property as mentioned or commercial transactions and extraction process regarding to types of intellectual property such as license agreement, intellectual property transferring agreement.  Disputes could be settled by different methods, depending on the subjective wills of parties. The parties have right to choose any methods that they deem ideal to protect their interests.

Nowadays, international practice allows parties to choose one of two ways to settle their disputes, including dispute settlement mechanism without litigation (negotiation and mediation) and dispute settlement mechanism with litigation (civil litigation and arbitration). Typically, when disputes occur, parties often choose simplest methods before using other ones. The simplest methods are negotiation and mediation.

Negotiation is a procedure whereby parties work together and reach the solution by expressing their own point of views to the dispute. This method is used for small, non-complex disputes so that parties could be easy to reach a consensus about dispute settlement. Though this method is simple, it is hard for parties to shake their hands together and come to consensus. It is simply because each party always need advantages come to them. Besides, for example, if parties reach the consensus in settling dispute, there is no mechanism to ensure enforcement of dispute solution.

Mediation, different from negotiation, the participation of third party is requested by parties. However, the same thing between negotiation and mediation is that parties are sole those holding right to decide what solutions are applied to settle dispute. Despite the third party only act as intermediary, the mission of third party is really important. The third party helps to connect dispute parties and avoid stronger conflict between them. With experience and skills, they make opportunity for parties exchange information, help them express their standpoints, promote flexible solutions and suggest solution suitable for both of them. Of course, a methodswhich the third party proposes is solely recognized as a reference. In mediation, the information security is highly ensured. Parties are not forced to reveal any information that they want to keep as a secret. Besides, mediation helps parties minimize fees due to simple procedure. Moreover, mediation allows opportunity for parties to work together and reach settlement and typically, parties still keep their business relationship. Last but not least, parties can mediate in any period of dispute settling process. Mediation can be chosen as the first step to come to dispute settling process after each side’s endeavor.

After no result of both side’s endeavor, parties can choose one of the dispute settlement mechanism with litigation to settle dispute. Generally, the proceeding of civil litigation is more complex than the arbitration proceeding. In case one side needs a decision from court so as to end infringement, civil litigation is top priority. In the remaining case, arbitration is a choice with advantages. Arbitration is solely conducted when parties reach consensus that arbitration is a form of dispute resolution. Arbitration agreement must be a term of the core contract or an independent agreement.

Firstly, cost for arbitration is typically cheaper than traditional litigation. Attorney’s fees and expense are minimized in arbitration because arbitration is generally concluded in far less time than cases at court. Secondly, length of dispute settling time in arbitration is shorter than litigation in court because of simple procedure. Court cases generally require more counsel time and, thus, more expenses for preparation and trial than is needed in arbitration. Thirdly, settling dispute by arbitration is effective because of its flexibility. In arbitration, parties have right to choose form of arbitration (Ad hoc or permanent). Moreover, parties can schedule hearings and deadlines to meet their objectives and convenience. This flexibility allows parties save money, time and partially promote dispute settling process to be faster. Fourthly, arbitration is a secret proceeding. The decision is public, but the trial is close. This feature of arbitration is a big advantage for dispute involving trade secret or patent. Lastly, arbitration council’s decision is final. It means that contrary to decision of court, most of arbitration council’s decisions cannot be appealed. Chance for canceling arbitration’s decisions is not much, primarily because of basic mistakes about procedures.

Dispute settling method in arbitration is suitable for most of intellectual property disputes because this method meets the featured requirements of intellectual property dispute (multinational, information security, complexity). Mediation and arbitration can combine together in settling dispute. Firstly, dispute is settled by mediation. Then, in case if parties do not reach settlement in mediation, dispute will be settled by arbitration council. The advantage of this combination is that it promotes parties propose goodwill engagement in mediation and after that, will create more advantages for dispute resolution in arbitration.

To summarize, when facing a dispute relating to intellectual property right, foreign investor can handle out dispute through judging exactly about scale of dispute, financial capability, dispute settling time, level of information security because intellectual property is worthy assets that can impact development as well as existence of enterprises.

With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers would like to support you in extending your intellectual property in Vietnam.

ANT Lawyers - Law firm in Vietnam our trial lawyers with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients through out the process.  The lawyers could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 11, 2020

When a Contract is Invalid Due to Non-compliance with Form?

Generally, contracts for sale and purchase of goods and service contract shall be expressed in verbal or written form or established with specific acts. For types of contract which must be made in writing provided by law, such contract must comply with such form regulation. Particularly, contract for international purchase and sale of goods shall be conducted on the basis of written contracts or other forms of equal legal validity.


Contract dispute law firm in Vietnam

There are two cases of non-compliance with form: (i) form of contract is not in accordance with the law and; (ii) contract violates against regulations on notarizing or authorization. It should be noted that the form of contract shall be the conditions for its effectiveness in cases where it is provided by law. The time limit of requiring the court to declare a contract of non-compliance with form invalid is 02 years, from the establishment date of contract. After such time limit, if there is still no request for declaring contract invalid, such contract still remains valid.

When the contract is invalid, the general rule is restoring everything to its original state and returning to each other what have received. The non-compliance with form contract could be valid de facto contract if recognized by the Court’s decision when one party or the parties has fulfill at least two third of the obligation contract. Obligations means work whereby one or more entities must transfer objects, rights, pay money or provide valuable papers, perform or not perform certain work for the interests of one or more other entities. However, one party or the parties fulfilling at least two third of the obligation contract will not naturally make such contract valid unless there is decision of the the Court to recognize such. Specifically, according to request of one party, after fully considering conditions mentioned above, the Court shall make a decision on recognizing the validity of such contract.

It is important for parties to have a proper contract with terms and conditions that provide sufficient details with consideration of the nature of the business transactions and the possible resolution when potential disputes arise.  Further, the law governing the contract and the dispute resolution clause which refers to court or arbitration choice should be as clear as possible to avoid confusion and extended time resolving the arisen disputes.

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529



Which Judgement Enforcement Agencies that Enforce Arbitral Awards or Decisions of Arbitration Councils on the Application of Interim Urgent Measures?

Under Article 8 of Vietnam Law on Commercial Arbitration, judgement enforcement agencies for enforcement of arbitral awards or decisions of arbitration councils on the application of interim urgent measures as regulated as following: 

Arbitral Award Enforcement Law Firm in Vietnam

Competent civil judgment enforcement agencies to enforce arbitral awards are civil judgment enforcement agencies of provinces or centrally run cities in which arbitration councils issue the awards.

Competent civil judgment enforcement agencies to enforce decisions of arbitration councils on the application of interim urgent measures are civil judgment enforcement agencies of provinces or centrally run cities in which the interim urgent measures need to be applied.

ANT Lawyers - Arbitration Law Firm in Vietnam our trial lawyers with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients through out the process. The lawyers could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 11, 2020

Legalize Birth Certificate in Vietnam

Legalize birth certificate is the authentication of signature and stamp on the birth certificate issued by the foreign country or organization in order for that document to be recognized and used in Vietnam.

How to Legalize Birth Certificate in Vietnam

In principle, the Vietnam State authorities only accept considering birth certificate that has been legalized, unless the law of Vietnam and international treaties in which Vietnam has signed or participated has other provisions.

In the trend of integration and development, Vietnam has expanded exchanges with all countries in the world. Therefore, the demand for legalize birth certificate is inevitable. ANT Lawyers is honored to provide the service to legalize birth certificate, evaluating the legitimacy of the birth certificate and on behalf of institutions and individuals to perform the procedure at the state agencies with the most reasonable cost.

The process to legalize birth certificate includes:

Step 1: Receipt of birth certificate record from client and conduct the document translation;

Step 2: Get the judicial stamp for the translation of birth certificate

Step 3: Get legalized stamp for the birth certificate

Step 4: Get the stamps of embassies, consulates for birth certificate

Step 5: Return the legalized birth certificate record to customer

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529

Vietnam Customs Law 2014

On 23rd June 2014, the Vietnam National Assembly has issued the new Vietnam Customs Law. This new law comprises of 8 Chapters, 104 Articles and shall come into effect on 1st January 2015.

Customs dispute law firm in Vietnam

Accordingly, the new 2014 Vietnam Customs Law is focusing on customs procedure reform, modernization of customs administration, codify international laws on international commitment in order to meet the requirements and facilitate integration beneficial for import and export activities; improve the effectiveness and efficiency of customs operations management.

Article 23 of the law regulates the custom documents towards reducing the numbers of papers of customs documents required in the relevant documents to be submitted when doing customs procedures i.e. commercial invoices, import-export document.  Custom documents can also be in writing or electronic invoices.

Besides, the new Vietnam Customs Law boosts the management practices from pre-check to post- check. Mechanism of post-clearance inspection for a period of 5 years is strictly specified in terms of objects, conditions and sanctions when a violation is detected. This provision not only facilitates but also tightly controls the flow of goods to ensure that it is in compliance with the customs declaration.

Clause 6 Article 88 of the 2014 Vietnam Customs Law regarding the jurisdiction of the customs authorities in the application of prevention of smuggling and illegally transporting goods across borders has been supplemented to detail the measures to control custom.

In addition, the provisions of Article 92 stipulates that Customs agency, customs officers shall be equipped with and using professional technical facilities, weapons, support tools, flags, signal flares, lights, screening, biochemical technology, mechanical equipment, electrical, electronic and other means as prescribed by law to perform the task of preventing and battling against smuggling, illegal transport of goods across the border. The equipment and the use of weapons and tools to support prescribed by law shall be governed in complied with regulations for management and use of weapons, explosives and support tools. These are important provisions to prevent and battling against smuggling, illegal transport of goods across the border.

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529.

Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 11, 2020

Startup company

From 2015 onwards, the wave of small and medium-sized startups in Vietnam has been developing rapidly. This development is followed by government’s support in forming legal corridors, scheme to favour startup ecosystem and encourage science and technology organizations, research institute, technology incubator, etc. To be deemed as a startup, an individual or business must start their own business along with an innovative idea. Currently, startup is the legal term as recognized under the laws, especially on Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Assistance 2017.


For clarification, small and medium startups are small and medium enterprise (“SME”) established to implement its business ideas based on the utilization of intellectual property, technology and new business models and are able to grow rapidly. These enterprises are in the stage of getting a business up and running, attaches to science and technology or find out new business models, provide products and services to new market segmentation, growth rapidly and make a difference to domestic and foreign enterprises.

Directive 9/CT-TTg dated on February 18th, 2020 of the Prime Minister requires relevant ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Science and Technology, etc. to implement solutions, remove barriers and resolve difficulties, issue policies to create favorable conditions for startups. These include the proposal to amend the Law on Investment in the direction of facilitating foreign investors to establish, contribute capital, purchase shares, or contributed capital of startup investment funds in Vietnam. Before establishing an economic organization, the foreign investor must have an investment project and carry out the procedures for issuance or amendment of the Investment Registration Certificate, except for the establishment of small and medium-sized startups and startup investment funds in accordance with the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Assistance. Although the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Assistance 2017 and guiding decrees have taken effect, it is not clear what procedures the foreign investors are required to do to set up a SME startup. It is necessary to wait for specific instructions for startup formation.

Moreover, according to the Law on Investment 2020, startup investment projects are included in the beneficiaries of investment incentives as recently added. Technology and intellectual property exploitation are two of subjects which are considered as startup projects. The technology sector, before the Law on Investment 2020 takes effect, has achieved a number of tax incentives for eligible enterprises, for example: enjoying enterprise income tax at rate of 10% for 15 year or tax exemption for four years, 50% reduction of taxable for the next nine years, not subject to value added tax. Furthermore, SME startups selected for SME support project are entitled to enjoy the following assistances: (i) consultation on intellectual property, intellectual property utilization and development; (ii) procedures for technical regulations and standards, quality measurement, testing and improvement of new products and business model; (iii) technology uses and transfers; (iv) training, information, trade promotion and commercialization; (v) use of technical facilities, incubators, and common working areas according to Decree No. 39/2018/ND-CP.

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529

Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam.




What are Principles of Dispute Settlement in Arbitration?

According to Article 4 of Vietnam Law on Commercial Arbitration, the following principles must be adhered to during dispute settlement in arbitration:

Arbitrators must respect the parties’ agreement if such agreement neither breaches prohibitions nor contravenes social ethics.

Arbitration Lawyers in Vietnam

Arbitrators must be independent, objective and impartial and shall observe law.

Disputing parties are equal in their rights and obligations. The arbitration council shall create conditions for disputing parties to exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations.

Dispute settlement by arbitration shall be conducted in private, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

The arbitral awards are final.

ANT Lawyers - a law firm in Vietnam our trial lawyers with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients through out the process.  The lawyers could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 11, 2020

How To Protect Trademark in Vietnam?

Trademark protection in Vietnam is initially obtained through trademark registration.

Trademark opposition could be filed to prevent a pending application for a mark from being granted application. Litigation is the final measure to handle dispute during trademark protection in Vietnam.

Trademark is a sign that help distinguish the goods or services of one enterprise from those of others. Together with industrial design and patent, trademark of goods and services plays an extremely important role for the growth of the enterprise. Trademark establishes a link between enterprise and customer.  A strong trademark will attract customers to use goods or services. When trademark is popular and economic benefits achieved through sale of goods or provision of services coupled with trademark is large, the violation of trademark is inevitable.

The annual reports of the Vietnam National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) prove that trademark violation in Vietnam is the most popular, among other industrial property rights.  According to the preliminary annual report in 2011, and 2012, there has been more than 1,000 cases of trademark violations each year.  Report of 2013 and after shows more than 2,000 trademark infringements were handled with the total fines of trademark violators of around USD 1 million per year.  Having said that, it is important for trademark owner to register trademarks in Vietnam for better protection.  This is also suggested for even well-known trademarks.

For registration, trademark owner has two options: either directly register trademark in Vietnam by filling an application for registration with the Vietnam NOIP, or seek the protection in Vietnam through Madrid’s system. For the first option, the trademark owner needs to prepare, file for registration, and pay fee as the requirement of Vietnam Intellectual Property law.  In case trademark needs to be protected in a number of nations, including Vietnam, trademark owner may register trademark through Madrid’s system.

Where the violation of trademark occurs, trademark owner needs to judge the level of infringement, level of damage to choose suitable resolutions.  Initially, the trademark owner may protect by requiring to the trademark violator to terminate the infringing acts, apologize, and rectify. In case of being damaged, trademark owners have rights to claim compensation.  If failing to reach result, trademark owner may use settlement mechanism through negotiation or mediation or could request the competent state agencies to handle acts of infringement through i.e. filling a denunciation application and submitting to the Vietnam NOIP.  Litigation might be required to handle acts of infringement.

Generally, the proceeding of civil litigation is more complex than the arbitration proceeding. In cases the trademark owner needs a decision from court in order to end trademark infringement, civil litigation is top priority. In the remaining cases, arbitration is a better choice with advantages of cheaper cost, shorter settling time, and more flexible.

If you are looking for an experienced IP services in Vietnam to help you with your IP application, you should visit Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP. We routinely match inventors with experienced IP attorneys for a free consultation on our platform and offer a money back guarantee.

ANT Lawyers – a Law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or serive request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 11, 2020

What is Venue for Dispute Settlement by Arbitration in Vietnam?

According to Article 11 of Vietnam Law on Commercial Arbitration, the venue for dispute settlement by arbitration in Vietnam is as agreed by parties or decided by arbitration council.  In particular:

Arbitration Lawyers in Vietnam

The parties may reach agreement on venues for dispute settlement. If no agreement is made, the arbitration council shall decide on such venue. A venue for dispute settlement may be within or outside the Vietnamese territory.

Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitration council may hold a meeting at a venue regarded as appropriate for its members to exchange opinions, for taking witnesses’ statements, consulting experts or for assessing goods, assets or other documents.

ANT Lawyers - a law firm in Vietnam our trial lawyers with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients through out the process.  The lawyers could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 11, 2020

Determination of Competence between Court and Arbitration

Dispute resolution is always a matter of concern in Vietnam when it comes to the regulations and the effective enforcement of government authority.

Arbitration Lawyers in Vietnam

The Council of Judges of the Supreme People’s Court issued Resolution 01/2014/NQ-HDTP in order to provide guidelines for the Law on Commercial Arbitration in Vietnam on dispute resolution process.

Accordingly, the courts in Vietnam are permitted to deal with disputes which are agreed to be settled by arbitrators in the following cases:

i) There is a Decision of the court on cancelling Arbitration’s Judgement, Council of Arbitration’s Decision on recognition agreement of parties.

2) The parties have agreed to settle their disputes at a specific arbitration center but it has stopped operating;

3) The arbitrators selected by the parties can not participate in solving disputes due to force majeure events;

4) The appointed arbitrator refuses to settle the dispute without an agreement on a replacement;

5) The proceedings rules selected by the parties are different from different from those of the selected arbitration center, and this center does not adopt rules of the other centers.

6) Consumers object to the arbitrator selection according to Articles 17 of the Law on Commercial Arbitration

In the first four cases, the parties must not reach an alternative agreement on replacement.

At ANT Lawyers - a law firm in Vietnam our trial lawyers with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients through out the process.  The lawyers could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 11, 2020

Child Adoption by Foreigners

Presently, there are many foreign people want to adopt a Vietnamese. Besides, the law of Vietnam also has strict regulations for child adoption by foreigners.

First is the adoption of specific child by foreigners. The Adoption Act 2010 defined that the Vietnamese residing abroad and foreigners permanently residing overseas are allowed to adopt specific child in the following cases:


Adoption Lawyers in Vietnam

As stepfather or stepmother of the adopted person;

As uncle or aunt of the adopted person;

Has adopted children who are siblings of the children that are adopting;

Adopt children with disabilities, HIV / AIDS or other fatal diseases;

As foreigners who are working and studying in Vietnam for at least 01 years.

In which the 4th case is a special case that are encouraged by the State with simpler procedures than other cases.

The order and procedures for adoption of child will be conducted as follows:

The profile of child adopting people includes:

+ Application for adoption by name;

+ A copy of the passport or replacing document that have the same value;

+ The written permission for child adoption in Vietnam;

+ The psychological and family investigation;

+ Documents certifying health status;

+ Documents certifying income and assets;

+ Judicial record;

+ Documents certifying marital status;

+ Documents evidencing eligible for child adoption by name.

+ In case of specific child adoption for children over 5 years old and two or more siblings, the record must clearly state the psychological preparation plan for children, preparing conditions for children to integrate into the new family, culture and society environments.

The above documents are issued and certified by the competent authority where the child adopting people permanently reside. To be certified by the State of Vietnam, it should be certified through the procedure of consular legalization.

The profile of children to be adopted includes:

+ Birth certificate

+ Certification of health issued by the district or higher health authorities;

+ Two full body and looking straight images, which was taken within 06 months

+ Documents about the noteworthy characteristics, preferences and habits of children.

These papers are issued by nurturing organizations or natural parents / guardians of children.

Profiles of the child adopting person and the child being adopted are submitted directly at the Bureau for adoption. The case that cannot submit the profile directly at the Bureau for adoption, the child adopting person have to authorize by written document their relatives residing in Vietnam to submit the profile at the Bureau for adoption or send the profile through post office in the form of guarantees.

In the procedure of adoption of specific children with disabilities, HIV / AIDS or suffering from serious diseases, Vietnam law allows the free implementation of procedures to find alternative families and introduce children for adoption. The meaning of this is to shorten the procedure, creating condition for these children to be adopted and nurtured in an enabling environment.

After receipt of the application for adoption, Bureau of adoption will check and appraisal the profile to determine that the child adopting people was certified by the competent authorities of the country where he or she resides that he or she satisfy the eligibility for child adoption under the laws of that country and under the laws of Vietnam.

Towards the child to be adopted, after receiving profile from natural parents or guardians of the child, Bureau for adoption has the responsibility to inspect children’s record, conduct consultation with the natural father / mother or the guardians of child about the child adoption for foreigner during 07 working days.

Within 07 working days from the expiration date of changing opinion about the child adoption for foreigner of the natural parents or guardians of children, if children are eligible to be adopted by foreigner, who are entitled to adoption by name, Bureau for adoption will report the Department of Justice, Department of Justice will certify by document that the children eligible for adoption by foreigner. Finally, Department of Justice submits to the Provincial People’s Committee decided to allow the foreigner to adopt the children.

Second is the adoption of child not by name with foreign element. The adoption of child not by name with foreign element is the cases when Vietnamese residing abroad, foreigners reside in the country in which that country is a member of international treaties on child adoption with Vietnam and adopt Vietnamese children; Vietnam citizens residing in Vietnam adopt foreign children; foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam adopt Vietnamese children.

For the adoption case that not by name, the order and procedures will include:

+ The profile of people that want to adopt children should be submitting to the Bureau for adoption through the adoption agencies of that country that are licensed to operate in Vietnam. If that country does not have adoption agencies licensed to operate in Vietnam, the adoption profile should be submitting to the Bureau for adoption through diplomatic representative offices or consular office of that country in Vietnam.

+ The profile of children being adopted will be submitted by natural parents or guardians of the children at the Bureau for adoption.

+ The Bureau for adoption receives, inspect and evaluate profile of the child adopting people and children being adopted.

Compared to the case of adoption by name with children with disabilities, HIV / AIDS or other serious diseases, the case of adoption not by name, the Department of Justice has to implement the procedure to find alternative family and introduce children for adoption. The meaning of these two procedures is to encourage local Vietnamese permanent residing in Vietnam to adopt Vietnamese children, enabling Vietnamese children to live, learn and develop in their own homeland. Only when the above procedure to find alternative family and introduce children for adoption have finished without any local people want to adopt that children, the Department of Justice will consider deciding for the children to be adopted by foreigner.

The notice period to find alternative family is regulated as 60 days, during this period, if any Vietnamese wants to adopt children, they should contact the Commune People’s Committee where children resides to consider and settle the adoption. If time runs out 60 days, the Department of Justice has to prepare a list of children who need to find alternative families and submit to the Ministry of Justice.

On the other hand, within 30 days after receiving profile from foreigner that want to adopt Vietnamese children, the Department of Justice has to review and introduce children to be adopted on the basis of children with no domestic adoption. After introducing children to be adopted, the Department of Justice reported the Provincial People’s Committee for comments.

The case that the Provincial People’s Committee disagrees, they have to send a written document stating the reasons and submit to the Department of Justice. On the other hand, the case that the Provincial People’s Committee agrees, within 07 working days, the Provincial People’s Committee decided for children for abroad adoption.

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529


Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 11, 2020

How to Obtain Construction Practicing Licenses in Vietnam?

The Construction Practicing License (practicing license) shall be issued to any Vietnamese citizens, overseas Vietnamese or foreigners who legally carry out construction activities in Vietnam in order to hold certain positions or operate their own construction business as prescribed in the amended Law on Construction 2020.


Holders of titles and individuals practicing construction activities who are required to possess practicing licenses as prescribed in Law on Construction include construction investment project managers, construction planning design managers, construction survey managers, construction design or design verification managers, construction supervision consultants, and managers in charge of formulating, verifying and managing construction investment costs. Any foreigner who obtained a practicing certificate issued by a foreign authority or organization and has practiced construction in Vietnam for less than 06 months shall be permitted to practise construction activities. If he or she has practised construction in Vietnam for at least 06 months, he or she is required to change the construction practicing license.

A foreigner shall be issued with the practicing license if he or she: has full legal capacity as prescribed by law and obtains a residence permit or work permit in Vietnam; has qualifications and experience relevant to requirements of the practicing certificate; passes the test in the field that is covered by the practice license applied for.

Practicing licenses shall be classified into Rank-I, Rank-II and Rank-III. In particular, a Rank-I practicing license is granted to the individual who gains a bachelor’s degree in appropriate major and at least 07 years’ experience relevant to requirements of that practicing license; a Rank-II practicing license is granted to the individual who gains a bachelor’s degree in appropriate major and at least 04 years’ experience relevant to requirements of that practicing license; a Rank-III practicing license is granted to the individual who has appropriate qualifications and at least 02 years’ experience relevant to requirements of that practicing license with respect to the holder of the undergraduate degree and at least 03 years’ experience with respect to the holder of the associate degree or intermediate diploma.

The competence authority in Vietnam to grant practice licenses: the construction-specialized agencies directly under the Ministry of Construction shall grant Rank-I practicing licenses; The Department of Construction issues Rank-II, Rank-III practicing license and recognized socio-professional organizations grant Rank-II, Rank-III practicing license to individuals who are their members and members.

An application for issuance of the construction practicing license for the first time includes: An application form enclosed with the applicant’s 02 color 4 x 6 cm and white background pictures which are taken within the last 06 months; Qualification(s) granted by a legal training institution in accordance with the type or rank of the certificate applied for; Decisions on task assignment (responsibility assignment) issued by an organization to an individual or written confirmation of completed typical tasks provided by the legal representative of the investor, in case the individual runs his/her own construction business, a contract and record on commissioning of listed typical tasks are required; Legal residence-related documents or work permit issued by a Vietnam competent authority, applicable to foreigners. The above documents must be notarized, legalized, authenticated then translated with certified true copies into Vietnamese or included in a file that contains color photos of originals or copies presented together with the originals for comparison. Besides, satisfactory test result in case the test is done before the date of submission of the application for the practicing license.

For application of the practicing license, the applicant shall submit an application form for issuance of the practicing license, electronically or by post or in person, to the issuing authority. From the date on which the satisfactory application is received, the issuing authority shall issue the construction practicing license within 20 days in the case of issuance of the license for the first time. In the case the application is unsatisfactory, the issuing authority shall notify the applicant in writing once within 05 days from the date on which the application is received.

The practicing license of a foreign individual, its effective period shall be determined according to the period specified in the work permit or temporary resident card issued by a competent authority but not exceed 05 years.

The above are provisions on the process of granting construction practicing licenses for foreign individuals working in Vietnam under the amended Law on Construction 2020. The amended Law on Construction 2020 takes effect from January 1, 2021.

ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh city could assist clients with application process.